Massage therapy is the most utilized and essential piece of our comprehensive wellness program.
Quality massage therapy is most likely the best treatment for your tight and restricted soft tissue. Although everyone benefits from massage therapy, active people and athletes benefit the most from quality massage therapy.
We hire great therapists and then constantly develop their skills and talents. We use only the safest and most effective techniques to give you the results you deserve.
Massage therapy techniques that are available:
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger points are tight bands of muscle that when compressed refer pain to other areas of your body. They are caused by repeated muscle tension without enough rest. The treatment involves focused firm pressure until your tissue relaxes.
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage Therapy focuses on reducing your pain while improving function. It is typically slower and deeper than a relaxation treatment. In order to accomplish great results, our therapists must apply enough pressure to create a therapeutic result. This result includes decreased muscle tension, muscle relaxation, lengthening of your muscles, and a feeling of overall release of tension.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is similar to a Swedish massage. The deeper pressure from this particular type of massage is beneficial to releasing your acute or chronic muscle tension. Deep tissue massage focuses on your body’s deepest layers of muscle tissue, fascia, and tendons.
Swedish Massage
Gentle relaxing massage used to relieve your stress, relax your muscles, and stimulate blood flow. Swedish massage speeds your recovery from workouts by stimulating circulation and removing metabolic wastes. This is the type of massage that most people are familiar with. It is typically significantly lighter in pressure than deep tissue massage.
Myofascial Release Technique
Advanced movement-based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves resulting in fast and permanent results. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fascitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with these techniques.
These conditions are often a result of overused muscles. Overused muscles can cause your body to produce tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue binds up and ties down tissues that need to move freely. As scar tissue builds up, muscles become shorter and weaker, tension on tendons causes tendonitis, and nerves can become trapped. This can cause reduced range of motion, loss of strength, and pain.
If a nerve is trapped you may also feel tingling, numbness, and weakness. Every myofascial release treatment is actually a combination of examination and treatment. Dr. Bomben uses his hands to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage
An advanced form of massage aimed at releasing scar tissue, adhesions, and fascial restrictions. It is used primarily on ligament and tendon injuries. The stainless steel instruments resonate when contacting fibrotic tissue clearly identifying the problem. It’s like a stethoscope for scar tissue. You will feel a difference after 1-4 treatments.
Sports Massage
Specific deep massage treatment freeing restricted muscles. Athletes commonly develop adhesion (sticky painful fascia) and scar tissue between their muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves which limit movement and cause pain. Sports massage often involves pain but the results are fast and dramatic.
Why do my muscles get tight?
Muscle tightness and tension develop any time you push the limits of your physical ability or overly stress your muscular system. Our body responds to the intense effort by developing micro-tearing in the muscle, tendon, and/or fascia. Inflammation sets in to repair the “damaged” tissue.
This inflammation causes a small amount of scarring that if left untreated can result in a significant amount of scar tissue. This scar tissue tightens and restricts the affected tissue resulting in a loss of range of motion or a feeling of excess tension. This response happens frequently and is often so gradual that it is hardly noticed until your tension is released. Imagine that a vise grip that slowly tightened on your calf over a month or two. When released quickly, it would feel like a large weight was taken off.
Come discover the amazing results everyone is talking about. You will be glad you did.